Established in 2023, Senses Hub is the brainchild of Hope Tech, a pioneering assistive device development company, and a collective of like-minded individuals passionate about fostering an inclusive society. Our mission is to break down barriers, challenge the status quo, and pave the way for inclusivity and accessibility.

At the heart of Senses Hub is a diverse and dynamic team, each member bringing unique strengths and expertise to the table. Together, we channel our shared vision into tangible actions, creating innovative solutions and driving social change.

We invite you to get to know our team. Their individual stories, commitment, and relentless pursuit of our common goal are the driving force behind Senses Hub. We believe that their dedication and spirit encapsulate who we are as an organization and what we stand for.

Meet the Team

  • Celestine Kinyua

    Hub Manager

  • Dennis Mutai

    Dennis Mutai

    Head of Technology and Production

  • Joan Ngugi

    Projects Lead

  • Simon Ng'ang'a

    Head of Accessibility

  • Brian Mwenda

    Products Director

  • David Mouti

    Head of Community

At Senses Hub, we are more than just a team. We are a community bound by the shared belief that everyone, regardless of their physical abilities, deserves equal opportunities and the freedom to participate fully in society. Together, we strive to make this vision a reality, one innovative solution at a time."